This is the last installment of our 2024 safety reminders where we review our top 10 safety hazards from our Wescom WINS program. In this blog, we will review Ergonomics, JSA’s and Mobile Equipment/ Excavation.


Ergonomics is the science of designing workspaces and tasks to optimize human performance and well-being. Proper ergonomic practices contribute to a safer and more comfortable working environment, reducing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and enhancing overall productivity. Consider the following key points regarding ergonomics safety:

  • Design your workstation to accommodate the natural movements and postures of the human body
  • Utilize ergonomic chairs that support the natural curve of the spine
  • Position your computer monitor at eye level to reduce neck strain, and place keyboards and mice within easy reach to minimize awkward postures
  • Take regular breaks and stretching exercises to prevent stiffness and promote circulation
  • Use furniture and equipment that can be easily adjusted
  • Conduct regular ergonomic assessments of workstations and tasks to identify potential issues

Prioritizing ergonomics in the workplace promotes the health and well-being of employees, leading to increased comfort, productivity, and job satisfaction. By incorporating ergonomic principles into the design of workspaces and tasks, employers can create a safer and more supportive environment for their workforce.


Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a proactive and systematic process aimed at identifying, assessing, and controlling potential hazards associated with specific jobs or tasks. This invaluable tool empowers workers and employers to collaboratively analyze work processes and implement preventive measures to enhance overall safety. Consider the following key points regarding JSA safety:

  • Break down complex tasks or jobs into manageable steps
  • For each task step, systematically identify potential hazards
  • Evaluate the severity and likelihood of each identified hazard
  • Propose and implement control measures to eliminate or mitigate identified hazards
  • Document the JSA findings, including identified hazards, risk assessments, and control measures
  • Provide training to workers on the importance of JSAs and how to conduct them
  • Periodically review and update JSAs, especially when there are changes to the job, equipment, or work environment
  • Clearly communicate the results of the JSA to all workers involved in the job
  • Incorporate JSA into the planning phase of new projects or tasks

By systematically applying the JSA process, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of workplace incidents and injuries. This proactive approach not only enhances safety but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement and awareness among workers and management alike.


Working with mobile equipment and engaging in excavation activities demand heightened awareness and strict safety measures to prevent accidents and protect workers. Whether operating heavy machinery or conducting excavation work, prioritizing safety is essential. Consider the following key points:

  • Ensure that operators of mobile equipment, such as excavators or bulldozers, are properly trained
  • Conduct thorough pre-operational inspections of mobile equipment before each use checking for any signs of wear, malfunction, or damage
  • Implement effective traffic control measures in areas where mobile equipment operates
  • Establish clear communication protocols between equipment operators and ground personnel
  • Develop and follow comprehensive safety plans
  • When excavating, adhere to proper sloping or benching techniques to prevent collapses
  • Before excavation begins, locate and identify underground utilities

Promoting a safety culture, providing proper training, and maintaining equipment in good condition are integral to creating a secure work environment in these potentially hazardous situations.


This was the last of our top 10 safety hazards. Utilizing these tips will help you remain safe at work and beyond.

Remember: Someone is waiting for you to come home!