Wescom has quickly become a leading contractor for solar energy in the Duluth, Minnesota, area. We complete residential, industrial, and commercial projects with end-to-end service from design, installation to maintenance. There are many factors to consider when thinking about adding solar panels into your energy usage which is why our in-house solar expert, Cory, works with you every step of the way. Who is Cory? Let’s meet him!

Solar- Cory

Cory Aili is Wescom’s Solar Installation Lead. He handles all our solar panel sales and installations. During your first solar installation visit, Cory will explain exactly how solar panels work, how they will best fit your renewable energy goals and give you a personalized quote based on your location, space limitations and current energy usage. Cory has been working with solar energy for over three years- most of that time at Wescom! But who is he outside of Wescom? We interviewed him to find out!


What can you tell us about life outside of Wescom?

Well, I’ve been on this planet for 34 years. I have a wife and two daughters that take care of me. Mariah is 12 and Staci is almost 14!


What is your favorite summer hobby?

I love spending time with my family no matter the season. But, we really enjoy Walleye fishing on the river during the summer.


What’s the most challenging part of your job?

                 I think the most challenging part of my job is balancing the sales portion of my job with the field work. I love having my crews busy but I also love being in the field putting in work!


What is your favorite food?

                 My favorite food is and always will be a good ribeye steak.


What’s one piece of advice you’d give your younger self?

                 Ohhh, good question… I think I would tell my younger self to always remain positive. Life can throw a lot at you but staying in a positive frame of mind is crucial for success.


Now that you and Cory are best friends, you can give him a call about your next project! We would love the opportunity to prove why our service is the best in the Twin Ports area and beyond. To talk about solar with Cory, you can call him at (218) 724-1322 or send him an email at cory.aili@wescominc.com. If you just want more information about solar and our services, you can click here: https://wescominc.com/solar-installation/.