A Career at Wescom
Our Wescom employees are driven professionals that work on dynamic projects in a supportive work environment. We are looking for dedicated employees who are ready to work hard Energizing America alongside our current Wescomers.
If this sounds like you, review our job listings then click apply!
Job Position | Location |
Journeyman Electrician | Duluth, MN/ Alexander, ND/ Carlsbad, NM |
Oilfield I&E Technician | Alexander, ND |
Automation Technician | Carlsbad, NM |
Journeyman Electrician | Gillette, WY |
Electrical Apprentice | Alexander, ND |
Job Application Form
Please fill out the below form to apply to work at Wescom. If you have any questions, please direct them towards Jon Hiivala (jon.hiivala@wescominc.com).
Start Your Wescom Career today!
You will help Energize America with your new career at Wescom